Nancy drew tv show ned
Nancy drew tv show ned

nancy drew tv show ned

He asks what of his assets he can touch, but then hears some creaking.

nancy drew tv show ned

Ryan says he’s most nervous about making some sort of payments. Mari: Meanwhile, Nancy is snooping and it’s hilariously obvious. Sara: He makes such a big deal about specifying that he only gets the money if she DIED FROM NATURAL CAUSES!!1! I feel like it’s weird to have that laid out so specifically in your pre-nup, but also I am not a Rich Person so what do I know. Ryan and Tiffany had a pre-nup and basically what was hers was hers, what was his was his, but it should all be his now, following the confirmation that she died of natural causes. Down in his office, PD asks Ryan about estate planning.

nancy drew tv show ned

Their chat is interrupted when Ryan Hudson arrives to talk to Papa Drew. Very few explanations for keeping the bloodied dress of a murder victim are innocent. Something they’re dragging out needlessly and I hate it.

nancy drew tv show ned

The thing I said about the cliffhanger they mercifully resolved immediately? This feels like the opposite of that. Sweeney: I still feel pretty convinced that the show is going to give Papa Drew some Perfectly Good Explanation for being suspicious AF but put me on the record for saying “I fucking hate it” because at this point any explanation beyond he’s a murderer feels inadequate to explain his blatantly lying to her. Papa Drew turns the tables on her by reminding her she got arrested for breaking and entering and should probably be on her best behavior. Papa Drew says the garbage came that morning, which seems like a lie Nancy could easily disprove, but it’s fine. Papa Drew says he threw it away because it was just a silly joke! Nancy went through the garbage, though, and knows he didn’t throw it away. Nancy turns the tables on him and asks where that suspicious, bloody dress from the attic went. Nancy quasi-lies that she spent the night at a friend’s house and Papa Drew asks for some honesty, which is an interesting strategy, considering he is a lying liar who lies. She tells him that he doesn’t have to do that anymore, because she’s not a kid anymore. Papa Drew tells Nancy that he waited up for her the previous night. She grabs her things and leaves with a “ my dad was right about you.”ĭrew Domicile. She says if there is ever going to be any trust between them, he has to show her what he took from Mama Drew’s car. He says he would never, but Nancy doesn’t believe him. Nancy spells out everything we know so far about the Ned/Tiffany connection and asks if Ned was using Nancy to get to her mom’s car and the mysterious package. Mari: Ned comes back with their coffee, straight into a trap Nancy has laid out– calling the burner phone she’s so nicely left out for him to find. Sweeney: Yes!! That seemed like the kind of cliffhanger that other (lesser…) stuff we’ve recapped would have tried to milk for WEEKS so the fact that this loop was closed before we even got to the intro was satisfying. Thanks for doing such a crap job hiding your burner phone, Ned! Sara: It pleases me deep within my soul when an issue from a previous episode is wrapped up thirty seconds into the following one. Nancy figures that the car in question is her mom’s car, which Ned so conveniently and helpfully volunteered to fix for free. She grabs it, sees the missed call from her own phone, and those final text messages from Tiffany Hudson. She tries to clean up some of the mess and, of course, easily spots the burner phone on Ned’s shelves. He tells Nancy to stay in bed while he grabs coffee. He jumps up to put a bucket on a shelf, under the leak. And then, it starts to pour so Ace sasses that she got some help anyway. Ace offers to help her, but she just glares. Ace keeps biking and passes George’s house, where she’s busy trying to wash the red paint off her steps. Ace is biking through town, a storm brewing in the sky above him, and passes Bess’s parked van. Marines: Nancy and Ned are asleep in his bed.

Nancy drew tv show ned